GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE FOR THE COCO 3 ------------------------------------ Loading Instructions: To load the game place program disk in drive 0 and LOADM"GRANDPRX" and press type EXEC and press again. PLAYING THE GAME: ----------------- You are racing in a five lap race around 25 different race courses. Each race is 5 laps long. The object is to finish the race ahead of all the computer controled cars. Failing to finish ahead of the computer cars will cost you cars. Hit a key at the title screen and the game will switch to the Player selection screen. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to select the line to edit. Use the ENTER key to cycle through the possible selections on the selected line. Selecting START GAME will start the game unless an illegal selection has been made. To start the game you may not have 3 computer cars selected. If you wish to play alone you must have Player 1 selected on only one line. To play two players you must have a Player 1 and a Player 2 selected. DRIVING YOUR CAR: ----------------- You use the joystick to drive your car. Joystick UP will make your car speed up. Joystick LEFT and RIGHT will turn your car left or right. The Joystick button will make your car slow down. If you drive your car into a wall your car will stop when it hits. You can drive over top of other cars without crashing or slowing down. ROAD HAZARDS: ------------- Two types of hazards will appear on the road, and will appear more frequently as you complete more tracks. The first hazard is a water puddle. When you drive over it your car will slow down until you are passed it. The second is an oil slick. When you drive over an oil slick your car will spin out and eventually you will regain control. Computer controlled cars are not affected by these hazads. REPAIR TOOLS: ------------- Wrenches will appear at random on the track. Drive your car over them to pick them up. For every 3 wrenches you collect, you can increase one of the statistics of your car. AFTER EACH RACE: ---------------- After all 3 cars have crossed the finish line for the fifth time the game will switch to a screen showing the position each car finished in. The color of the text in the windows is the same as the color of the cars. Each box shows the bonus points, the position the car finished in and a statistics section. The letter S stands for speed, T for traction, and A for acceleration. After each is the number of times you have increased that stat. LOSING A RACE: -------------- You start the game with 3 men and for every position behind the computer you finish you lose a man. For example, if you win you loose no men, if a computer car wins and you come in second you loose one man, if 2 computer cars come in ahead of you, you loose 2 men. In a two player game the second player does not count as a computer car, so if the computer and another player finish before you , you lose one man. If you run out of men your game is over and you may enter your name if a high score is achieved. After that the car becomes a computer controlled car. INCREASING CAR STATISTICS: -------------------------- If you have collected 3 or more wrenches you will be asked to increase one statistic of your car. This list will be displayed on the screen with the current statistics of your car. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to select the stat to increase and hit enter to increase it. THE STATS ARE AS FOLLOWS: ------------------------- INCREASE SCORE: increases your score by 2,500 points. INCREASE SPEED: increases the maximum speed of your car.(the faster your car goes the slower you will be able to turn) INCREASE TRACTION: increases the traction of your car.(the more traction you have the sharper and faster you can turn your car) INCREASE ACCELERATION: increases the acceleration of your car.(this controls how fast your car can reach full speed). The maximum setting of any stat is 4. Once you have increased all stats to 4, you will only be able to increase your score. COMPUTER STATISTICS: The computer cars will also pick up wrenches and for every 3 wrenches they pick up, they will randomly increase one statistic. The computer cars will also increase a stat automatically every few tracks to maintain a fairly even race. SCORING POINTS: --------------- 200 points .... picking up a wrench 1000 " .... finish first in a race 500 " .... finish second in a race 250 " .... finish third in a race 2500 " .... selecting increase score You also score points for driving your car. The faster you drive the more points you score. FREE MEN: You recieve a free man for every 20,000 points PAUSE: You may Pause the game by pressing the P key, to resume play hit it again. ABORT GAME: You may abort the game by hiting the BREAK key. G O O D L U C K, A N D B U R N R U B B E R .